Importance of Redux in REACT JS

Krishnendhu A
4 min readOct 3, 2022


React is one among the world’s most well liked front-end JavaScript technologies. Developers favour React because it encourages measurability, speed, and ease. It not solely builds easy-to-use interfaces, however additionally helps to develop complicated applications.

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What is Redux?

Redux may be a certain state instrumentality designed to assist you write JavaScript apps that behave systematically across client, server, and native environments and area unit simple to check.

While it’s largely used as a state management tool with React, you’ll use it with the other JavaScript framework or library. It’s light-weight at 2KB (including dependencies), therefore you don’t have to worry regarding it creating your applications plus size larger.

With Redux, the state of your application is kept in a very store, and every element will access any state that it wants from this store.

If you’re simply obtaining started with redux, the video below is a great resource for beginners.

When to use redux

Lately, one of the largest debates within the frontend world has been regarding redux. Shortly when its release, redux became one of all the most popular topics of dialogue. Several favoured it, whereas others realized problems.

Redux permits you to manage your app’s state in a very single place and keep changes in your app additional certain and traceable. It makes it easier to reason regarding changes occurring in your app. However, all of those advantages go together with trade-offs and constraints. One may feel it adds up boilerplate code, creating straightforward things a bit overwhelming; however that depends upon the design choices.

What is state management in Redux?

State management is basically the simplest way to facilitate communication and sharing of knowledge across elements. It creates a tangible system to represent the state of your app that you simply will browse from and write to. That way, you’ll see otherwise invisible states whereas you’re operating with them.

Most libraries, like React, Angular, etc. area unit designed with the simplest way for elements to internally manage their state without {any with none} want for an external library or tool. It will well for applications with few elements, however because the application grows larger, managing states shared across elements becomes a job.

For instance, in React, to share information among siblings, a state needs to board the parent element. A technique to change this state is provided by the parent element and passed as props to those relative elements.

How redux works

The means redux works is straightforward. There’s a central store that holds the whole state of the applying. Every element will access to keep state while not having to suspend props from one element to a different.

There are a unit of 3 building parts: actions, store, and reducers. Lets in brief discuss what every of them will. This can be necessary as a result of the assist you perceive the advantages of redux and the way it’s to be used. We’ll be implementing an identical example to the login element higher than, however this point in redux.

Redux middleware

Redux permits developers to intercept all actions sent from elements before they’re passed to the reducer to perform. This interception is completed via middleware’s.

Why use Redux?

When using redux with React, states can now not get to be lifted. This makes it easier for you to trace that action causes any modification.

Redux makes the state certain

In Redux, the state is usually certain. If identical state and action area unit passed to a reducer, identical result’s continually made as a result of reducers area unit pure functions. The state is additionally immutable and isn’t modified. This makes it attainable to implement arduous tasks like infinite undo and redo.

Redux is maintainable

Redux is strict regarding however code should be organized, that makes it easier for somebody with data of redux to know the structure of any redux application. This typically makes it easier to take care of. This additionally helps you segregate your business logic from your element tree. For big scale apps, it’s important to stay your app additional certain and maintainable.

Debugging is simple in redux

Redux makes it simple to rectify an application. By work actions and state, it’s simple to know cryptography errors, network errors, and different styles of bugs that may return up throughout production.

Besides work, it’s nice DevTools that permit you to time-travel actions, persist actions on page refresh, etc. For medium- and large-scale apps, debugging takes longer than really developing options. Redux DevTools makes it simple to take advantage of all redux needs to provide.

Performance advantages

You might assume that keeping the app’s state international would end in some performance degradation. To an oversized extent, that’s not the case.

React redux implements several performance optimizations internally, so your own connected element only retenders once it is really must.

Ease of testing

It is simple to check redux apps since functions want to modification the state of pure functions.

State persistence

You can persist a number of the app’s state to native storage and restore it when a refresh. This could be very great.

Server-side rendering

Redux can even be used for server-side rendering. With it, you’ll handle the initial render of the app by causing the state of Associate in nursing app to the server alongside its response to the server request. The specified elements area unit then rendered in hypertext mark-up language and sent to the clients.


We have mentioned the major options of redux and why redux is helpful to your app. Whereas redux has its advantages, that doesn’t mean you should set about adding redux all told of your apps. Your application may still work well while not redux.

One major good thing about redux is the feature direction to decouple “what happened” from “how things modification.” However, you should only implement redux if you establish your project wants a state management tool.

